Fintec Global (0150)
Total Asset Per Share is RM0.15 while the market price is
only RM0.06 for now. So, from what I thought this stock is probably under value
right now. This is a company that are holding different companies’ shares
including Tenaga Nasional Berhad. These companies involve in food &
beverage industry, renewable energy, biotech and financial technology. There
are two companies are facing losing recently but from what I think this is only
in a short term due to the slowdown of economic recently in Malaysia. These
losing report is from the recent quarter report. Let us back to the Fintec.
Fintec is facing lose in recent quarter period because of depreciation in the
shares and equity that it is holding due to the foreign outflow from Malaysia
stock market.
Recent Quarter Report 6/2018
It is a lose for this quarter which is RM31,565,000. But it
is just an unrealized loss from their portfolio investment only. The ROE is -20%.
I think this stock only problem is they issued too many share
and equity capital and make their share price become low. Due to this, it had
made a sight that for everybody less focus on this stock and think that it does
not worth to invest on it. The public should give it a second chance to growth
up by buying their stock for their financing.
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