Sunday, October 21, 2018

Uncle! Aunty! Stop Gamble on TOTO & Magnum

Uncle! Aunty! Stop Buying TOTO & Magnum

Public should be stop buying toto and magnum. Instead use all that money to buy BERJAYA Sport TOTO Berhad Share. It Is just only RM2.13 each share and the minimum buying price for one lot is RM213. As an example, an uncle buy three places which is TOTO, Magnum and 4D. Each for one big and one small. RM1 each. One week three time and three places. RM1 x 2= RM2 x 3= RM6 x 3= RM18. Total one year, you have to pay RM864 to Berjaya Sports Toto Berhad. What will happen if you use the money to buy their share?

Berjaya Sports TOTO Berhad

This share’s current price is RM2.13 . With this price range in one year, you can purchase about 405 units of share. The average dividend of this share is RM0.04 quarterly which mean pay 4 times annually. So, one year you can get RM64 by doing nothing just buying the share. If for 20 years, then you will get RM1280. So, for those uncle and auntie that had buy toto and magnum for 20 years. You may have miss the dividends payout. This dividend payout haven’t count in the share growing value. What if you keep buying it every year for 20 years? You will get RM1,286,088,110,000 (this calculation is based on the current dividend yield and current share price.

      Remember this company do not invest in Malaysia only. They also have luxury car dealer business in London which is H.R Owen and lottery business in Vietnam. Both of this business had improve the profit margin very much recently. It show they the company holding different type of assets and businesses. It is a very good strategic for a casino company.

Besides, uncles and aunties can invest into REIT. It is just like fixed deposit.


REIT is stand for Real Estate Investment Trust. It is a type of unit trust fund that gather fund from public and invest it on property. I will recommend two REIT that is popular and very affordable to invest in it. SUNWAY REIT and AMANARAYA REIT. Both of this REIT have a very stable dividend payout and high potential for future growth.

         For SUNWAY REIT, it is a REIT that can attract property investor with its good reputation and image. I had visited SUNWAY GEO Avenue before. It is a place that with crowd of population. Many people will going through the places. Or I can assume it as a Golden City. Sunway City is a place that with high population. It feature with a lot of facilities such as school, hospital, shopping mall, entertainment and commercial lot. So, I want to conclude that SUNWAY REIT is the safest REIT to invest with the affordable price range.

          For AMANAHRAYA REIT, I will think that this REIT is a little bit high risk but the growing is faster than SUNWAY REIT. They holding debt ratio that slightly higher than SUNWAY REIT which is between 0.58 and 0.34. While SUNWAY REIT has the debt ratio between 0.34 and 0.384. AMANAHRAYA REIT is  a foundation that seeking for assets and property growing. Their mainly property is factory and heavy industry category. They keep expand their property as much as they could. From their annual report, I found that the debt ratio is increase constantly same as their property assets value. So, there is no worry for the high debt ratio. It is a normal debt ratio too for a company.

Monday, October 15, 2018

15/10/2018 Portfolio


Regarding to the fall of Dow Jones Industrial Average last week, it had affect KLCI Index fall as well. Of course, my portfolio also not doing well also. This is my recent review of my portfolio.

My Recent Portfolio

My portfolio is very bad recently due to my Air Asia share recent price drop. It is my main share in my portfolio from RM3.54 average price to RM2.67. It is very hard for me. It drop recently due to the sell off by foreign traders and the retreat to core market by leaving Air Asia India. But this is the best time to buy more Air Asia for the coming year end holiday. Unfortunately, I don't have enough bullet (cash flow) to buy it. Now, I am trying to get more cash flow by waiting to selling off my share FINTEC and GKENT until they are in realized profit.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Fintec Global

Fintec Global (0150)

Total Asset Per Share is RM0.15 while the market price is only RM0.06 for now. So, from what I thought this stock is probably under value right now. This is a company that are holding different companies’ shares including Tenaga Nasional Berhad. These companies involve in food & beverage industry, renewable energy, biotech and financial technology. There are two companies are facing losing recently but from what I think this is only in a short term due to the slowdown of economic recently in Malaysia. These losing report is from the recent quarter report. Let us back to the Fintec. Fintec is facing lose in recent quarter period because of depreciation in the shares and equity that it is holding due to the foreign outflow from Malaysia stock market.

Recent Quarter Report 6/2018

It is a lose for this quarter which is RM31,565,000. But it is just an unrealized loss from their portfolio investment only. The ROE is -20%.


I think this stock only problem is they issued too many share and equity capital and make their share price become low. Due to this, it had made a sight that for everybody less focus on this stock and think that it does not worth to invest on it. The public should give it a second chance to growth up by buying their stock for their financing.

Below is the link for quarter report and annual report

Thursday, September 20, 2018

About Me

Hello! I am a college student. Currently I get some interest in finance and the world economic. I had start my stock investment at March 2018. But my parent don't support me to do so in investing stock. I never told them about this too.😂😂So, I will show my portfolio in at once weekly or monthly (still haven't decide yet). I may review few stock and post it to share with you all. Besides, I will update some economic news or some economic event that will happen. I will also share some tips on financing too sometime. I hope you guys will keep watching my blog an learn something from here.

The Next Recession 2019-2020

        Hello Guys! Welcome to my blog. Today I will talk about the new recession that may coming in between 2019-2020. This is only my personal opinion about The Next Recession.

Trade War: A Trigger of The Next Recession?

Well. Almost everybody said that the trade war is the trigger of The Next Recession. But for me it is not. From what I can observe, that the trade war is only a bad economic event for a short period only. Because I think the next trade meeting between the US and China will come out a good result. Although, both of them were still impose each other tariff.

Symptom of Recession.

The US Bond Yield Curve
The Year 1997,2008,2019. Every recession it will late for year to happen.
The longest bull market.

When will be The Next Recession?

I will say that The Next Recession will come to between the February and April of 2019. I think it will happen after the first time that FEDERAL BANK raise the interest in 2019. 

How will it happen?

I just mention that it may happen after the first raising interest rate in 2019. This is because if there is two time the Federal raise the rate in 2018. It may slow down the China's economic because China's national debt is increasing with a higher volume year by year. I think that the raise of interest will lead the public to drop out more China Bond and the business firm to slow down their productivity. Besides, the raise of interest will slow down US market too. Thus, it will slow down both countries market that is leading the world market right now. By the way, the cycle of the economic will come to the end because the recent longest bull market had access. This mean that the market is in high value right now and will cause a bubble after the decrease in money supply due to the raise of interest.

Uncle! Aunty! Stop Gamble on TOTO & Magnum

Uncle! Aunty! Stop Buying TOTO & Magnum Public should be stop buying toto and magnum. Instead use all that money to buy BERJAYA Sp...